Querida comunidad,
Os informamos que la aplicación de Kuailian ya está disponible tanto en IOS como para Android. Os dejamos con los links de los respectivos gestores de descargas.
Link de descarga para IOS:
Link de descarga para Android:
A partir de este momento, los pagos se realizarán única y exclusivamente a través de la app. Durante los próximos 15 días la hoja de ruta establecida será que el sistema ira volcando saldos hasta quedar completamente al día de pagos.
Es importante comprender que las personas que instalen y conecten la kuailian wallet hoy, encontraran en el siguiente ciclo de pago (cada 24h) sus pagos en sidechain balance.
Una vez la tenemos conectada con la cuenta de Kuailian, deberemos retirar el saldo poniendo send, y dándole al botón send to mainchain.
Una vez en la mainnet, podrán enviar los fondos a la wallet que les convenga.
Solicitamos la máxima colaboración por parte de la comunidad. Es importante conectar la kuailian wallet.
Aprovechamos para informaros que en el drive de descargas de la compañía está el tutorial de la primera versión de la aplicación, lo iremos actualizando a medida que se vayan incorporando nuevas funcionalidades en ambos sistemas operativos.
Link directo del drive:
Kuailian Corporate Team
Dear community,
We inform you that the Kuailian wallet application is now available on both IOS and Android. We leave you with the links of the respective download managers.
Download link for IOS:
Download link for Android:
From this moment on, payments will be made solely and exclusively through the app. During the next 15 days the established roadmap will be that the system will turn over balances until it is completely up to date of payments.
It is important to understand that the people who install and connect the kuailian wallet today, will find their payments in the sidechain balance in the next payment cycle (every 24 hours).
Once we have it connected to the Kuailian account, we must withdraw the balance by putting send, and hitting the send to mainchain button.
Once on the mainnet, they can send the funds to the wallet that suits them.
We request the maximum collaboration from the community. It is important to connect the kuailian wallet.
We take this opportunity to inform you that in the company's download drive is the tutorial for the first version of the application, we will update it as new functionalities are incorporated in both operating systems.
Direct drive link:
Kuailian Corporate Team
Kuailian Wallet App
Crypto wallet app
Kuailian Wallet is the world’s best FREE wallet app, which allows crypto transfers between ETH blockchain...
Crypto wallet app
Kuailian Wallet is the world’s best FREE wallet app, which allows crypto transfers between ETH blockchain...
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